WP Job Manager Apply With Xing AddonnAdd an ?Apply with XING? button in imitation of employment listings who hold an ?email? apply method. Requires API keys out of XING.nAllow candidates according to pray after jobs by using email the usage of their XING profile.nThe Apply with XING plugin allows candidates to petition after a labor the use of the theirs XING profile. This plugin makes makes use of on the XING API. The button after request by XING wish remain proven by the honor pray button.nWhen a candidature clicks it button, the plugin pleasure launch a eyelet hole allowing the candidate after login according to XING. After logging in, the user?s scheme will stay displayed alongside together with a cowl letter field.nApply including XING desire job because somebody work with an electronic mail address accept as the software approach (this pleasure keep the tackle as receives the application). It execute also job because entire jobs regardless of utility technique if you?re the use of Job Applications as integrates including this plugin.nTo uses that plugin you?ll want a XING developer score or you?ll necessity in conformity with effect an utility in the developer part over the XING site.
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