Analytify Pro Campaigns Add-on
Google Analytics Campaigns Manager because WordPress
You are an Internet Marketer, Online shop proprietor, or freelancer. Everyone usage UTM parameters to track their campaigns. Our campaigns add-on helps you after identity the Analytics about your campaigns inside WordPress. heck, Yes. You execute recommend entire the campaigns inside WordPress into one instance.
Features & Functionality
Would thou kind of after assembling something modern in accordance with its add-on. Send electronic mail in imitation of aid at
Generate UTM URLs
You can Generate here UTM tags URL then use it somewhere you need according to song the links.
UTM Campaigns Dashboard
Campaigns dashboard includes a listing regarding entire the campaigns thou hold ran so ways using UTM tags parameters. Every campaign is differentiated by means of its name yet incorporates detailed statistics because of every campaign.
The days are on when thou or thy client have in accordance with continuing in conformity with Google Analytics then consume sizeable day about discovering reports. We hold delivered everything inner WordPress Dashboard. And record between a course you understand, to that amount makes sense.