Analytify Pro Email Notifications Add-on
You want computerized Analytics reviews delivered flat-out in conformity with thy Client’s inbox hebdomadal yet monthly? below seem to be no further, its add-on is specifically designed for this purpose. These Analytics reviews are of HTML format yet renders flawlessly of almost some email clients.
Setup weekly or month-to-month reports
You would allow the Email Notifications Addon about Analytify PRO. It’s over in imitation of you how much you need emails according to hand over hebdomadal or monthly. Our plugin pleasure after ship ye Analytics reports among thy inbox.
Select your very own metrics
We hold an employ of metrics e.g General Statistics, Top Pages, Geographic, System, Social Media, and key phrases Statistics to pick from. Select anybody metric which you want according to consist of you email reports.
Beautiful Email reviews template
We bear overpast hours within devising that email template. Added pics because each country, browser, or social media after performing much more than extra consumer-friendly.