WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder
Easily sell any custom-made features & products creating your very own plane and compassionate charge astrologer then price varieties (even including collection !) of your WordPress internet site.
This special plugin performs lie ancient to sell any type over employ or products: applications, websites, graphics, SEO, pets, lunar fragments …. yet whatever else.
Your clients can get the right account on their request (the remaining estimate/order is sent by way of email) then directly do charge the usage of Paypal or Stripe. The customer’s email does be routinely despatched after your MailChimp / MailPoet / GetResponse list.
You are able also to choose to hide entire prices from the structure and emails according to utilizes it as a classical form.
Its intuitive then robust subject provision then its dense elements permit you to create some type of form easily.
WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder also works together with WooCommerce & Easy Digital Downloads: you perform easily originate a gift creator, then a smart product packs generator. The elected merchandise execute stay routinely delivered in conformity with the cart at giving up regarding the shape.
Its powerful booking system allows ye imitation of managing your calendars, activities, and reminders directly beyond the backend. Assign a specific calendar according to a date-picker over thy form to automatically daybook modern events!
It is additionally able to conform with do distance calculations and complex custom calculations, using robust or intuitive visible tools.